I am an author/series glutton. There, I've admitted it.
When I find an author I like, I read just about everything they've written.
My newest fav is Liane Moriarty. She authored the novel Big Little Lies that the HBO Series of the same name was based on. (SO GOOD!!!)
Liane Moriarty book reviews
Big Little LiesOk, this was so enjoyable my hubby & 21 yr old son read it, too(and really liked it) The fact that they mostly read non-fiction political & WWII books should is pretty meaningful here......
The Hypnotists Love StoryThe skill which Moriarty quickly pulls you in and keeps you on the edge of your seat is pure magic.
Nine Perfect StrangersThe premise of the "self-improvement" culture turned on its' head. Nine well-drawn people go to a retreat to change their lives. Super engaging.
Truly Madly GuiltyAgain, Moriarty pulls you in and makes you question everything.....and drives you mad with the order of events as she unwinds her tale. A great study of relationships and personality disorders.
The Husband's SecretVery good read. I didn't find the ending very satisfying, but excellent story overall.
Cecilia Ahern book reviews
I read this one in spurts over a weekend. LOVED IT!
What a unique idea; this woman's life personified comes calling on her! I have to wonder if my life would be a worn out, smelly guy too? Sometimes it sure feels like it must be so!
I did enjoy the concept of this novel, and I was compelled to continue reading. However, the ending was not fulfilling and felt contrived.
Yes, yes. I know this was made into a film. There is a very good reason for that. This is one awesome read! There are some slow periods, but the author makes up for all. LOVED!
It was hard for me to empathize with the main characters. However, I enjoyed the journey. Well written, as are all her novels.
Again, I enjoyed the concept of this novel, but, like other Ahern books, there were points where I was getting frustrated with the author. There is a good message, as there is in all her books, but it felt like she was pounding it home a bit too hard.
Ok, so this is an interesting premise. A woman is saved by a transfusion and suddenly finds that she is sharing the donors's memories, his likes, dislikes, even his education! It is a fun read, then it gets pretty slow. I don't think Ahern knew how to wrap this one up
Rosie Dunne
This book was so hard for me to read! Talk about getting hit over the head with a hammer!! Golly, the main character can't get a break. Everything predictably goes South each time she has a great opportunity. Ho hum.
The Book of Tommorow
I wandered into this novel discouraged after the Rosie Dunne experience, but once again, I am a believer! The story is a combo. Part mystery, part self realization of the main character. I LOVED it! I even read it while standing on line at the grocery store. It traveled with me wherever I went until I was finished. And then I went back and re-read some of it!
Thanks Cecelia Ahern!